Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 9

This is really convenient because I'm going to be out-of-town this weekend, and my poor wife will have no one to tell her bad jokes all weekend! So we treated today (Wednesday. I know I'm a day behind) as our date night of the week. We can't go wrong with that. We went to Scotty Brown's but I'll post what I ate tomorrow for accuracy ;)

It was great. I've been getting passionate about work and she loves to see that "Art" come out. She's so supportive. I told her that I know I work a lot at home (checking e-mails, keeping my eye out for potential opportunities, knowing my competition) and I dont want that to invade our home. To my surprise, she said that she doesn't feel neglected at all! She actually feels very loved. I guess thats because I hug and kiss her and play with the baby as often as I can! Yeah, it makes me sick too.

The change in scenery and change to routine really opened us up. I feel like we haven't connective on that level since we were dating. It was a cool night of telling her my passions, my trials, my successes and my dreams. My favorite saying for a business man is from Zig Ziglar (and forgive me if I'm being repetitive) when he says, "Get the man right, get the salesman right." If you have everything squared away at home and they support you because you want what's best for everyone involved, you'll flourish to your potential. My wife is exactly that, and I'm glad she understand that I want to do my best with her and the family in the forefront.

I feel like it was 6-7 hours... not very rested. I think I was a little sore from yesterday's workout. Basically when I bridge-up and push off my left leg to turn onto my right side, it can wake me up because of a quick sharp pain. Its only a fraction of the intensity that I have experienced, but still pain nonetheless. The other thing about a lack of sleep is that my hamstrings are tight all day. I feel like they never wake up.

No workout today. Class... yeeeesh.

This is another one of my favorites. If you have trouble putting things on the refrigerator, for example, because the underside of your shoulder is tight, then you NEED this. You should be able to get a full 180 degrees at the shoulder without any tightness.

Food/Supplement Log
- 3 eggs
- 2 small strips of bacon
- 16 oz coffee black
- few apple slices
- enzymes, fish oil, multi, vitamin d, 8 oz water

- Taco Salad w/ extra guacamole... I was in Heaven.
- enzymes, fish oil, arthrogenx, 20 oz water

- "Spaghetti" - Spaghetti squash, ground beef (LOTS), and tomato sauce
- Walnuts in class
- enzymes, fish oil, 20 oz water, Cal-Mag when I got home, tried some melatonin to put me down a liiiiittle quicker.

Monday, January 10, 2011


1 Week Progress Report:
I feel awesome! Virtually pain-free, I know I'm still healing up, but pain-free! Best part yet - I've gone from 209 lbs to 203.5 lbs in 7 days. whoa. Paleo is where it's at!

I literally look at foods that I would devour in an instant without a second glance. My secret: Fix your eyes on your commitment. I have goals, and I have temptations from those goals. I would've loved some of the cake at my buddy's going-away party, but what BENEFIT would that have been to me? Put the weight back on? Bring back the inflammation? Carb-crash? Screw it! I've got my eyes on my prize!

I remember back when I was in grade school and I had to write my first autobiography, I didn't have much to write about. I moved from CA to TN to WA, then I played a lot. That's probably all I wrote about in my autobiography. I told myself that when my children are born, I wanted to journal every moment I can about them so they know that they're not boring. I want to journal my emotions and thoughts about their first steps, first words, first heart-break, and which parent is their favorite (me, of course). I dont know why, I just had the urge to do it.

I'm very glad that Journaling is brought up. I started one when I found out that my wife had gotten pregnant. Man, I stayed up late writing that one. I wrote down my every thought, and there is a lot of unknown thoughts to having a kid when you still feel like a kid yourself. I wrote down my every thought, concern and worry, and finished with a prayer to God.

Its too bad that when we look at our life as a big picture, we may feel like we dont have much going on or accomplish much so it must not be worth journaling. But I think we would be surprised how much really goes on in our worlds when we journal. We have big moments of landing a client that you see as a celebrity. We have Resolutions. There have been times that I thought I would feel very alone in raising my kid (because I don't feel like I have built a support-system good enough for my child, but that's just my thoughts on it) but if I were to think about and journal all of my friends who are expecting or just want to be involved, I could surprise myself in that moment and especially in hindsight.

I'm a firm believer that paper doesn't forget. If you write your goals, they are most likely to happen. If you write your prayers, you are more likely to carry your part of the bargain as well as look for God working in the world around you as He starts to answer your prayers. Most importantly, when kids read your journals and your feelings of that significant event in that moment, there will be a connection and understanding that cannot be replicated. You go from saying "I was in your shoes once" to saying something "I was laid-off once too; did it feel anything like this? I'd love to show you what helped me pull through."

8 hours and some change

No pain at all during the warm-up! I was searching for things that could bother me too! NOTHING!

"Air Force"
This was one from the CrossFit Games qualifiers last year. Still modified the some really light weights, but still good times.

As Fast As Possible (AFAP):
20 Push Jerks (PJ)
20 Front Squats (FS)
It starts with 4 burpees, you knock out the list, but you stop on every minute to do 4 burpees. All of this should be done with a 95# barbell, but I scaled to 45# generally, and a 15# OHS.
Time - 8:55

Notes: SDHP wasn't a good idea, because of the quick force demanded from the hip to get the momentum going. It was too much, so I left out the High-Pull itself. aaaaah, much better! You really want to get this one done fast so you don't have to do extra burpees. The longer you take, the more unnecessary burpees you do over time.

3D version of the typical Hamstring Stretch
This stretch maybe pure evil especially to my left outer hamstring... or my hamstring is evil. yeah that's probably it.

Food/Supplement Log
- 3 eggs over-easy
- 2 chicken sausage
- apple slices
- 16 oz coffee w/ HWC
- the usual enzymes, fish oil, multi, vitamin d, 8 oz water

- leftover pork loin
- 1/3 avocado
- enzymes, fish oil, arthrogenx, 20 oz water with nuun

- Chicken caesar salad
- enzymes, fish oil
- 20 oz water

- man we had a lot of pork loin
- 1/3 cup mashed sweet potato
- enzymes, fish oil, cal-mag, 20 oz water with nuun

- My wife's concoction she calls Cajun Chicken and cauliflower. last minute but not bad.
- enzymes, fish oil

- leftover Cajun Chicken and cauliflower
- Cal-mag, arthogenx


This is a great post of friendships (between men) that are so deep that if one were to die, the other would feel as though he couldn't go on nor pursue another friend to protect himself from that kind of hurt again. That's wild stuff! Yet it is so needed especially in this day and age since we are so busy. If we dont make deep friendships a priority, then we are digging our own graves. We assume so much responsibility for ourselves, why not have someone with another point-of-view similar to your own there to help see you through it?

I'm kind of going to cop-out on this one a little. On New Years eve/day, I hung out with a great friend of mine, Cameron. He and I interned at my church back home for about two years, and we were inseparable (we were both single! haha!). If you look at the two of us, you wouldn't put us together as friends I think. He's a scrappy Irish-American young gentleman usually in a collared shirt or sweater weighing about 130 lbs (if I'm generous). I'm weighing about 200 lbs, jeans and a t-shirt, when I dress-up I take my hat off.

Our common ground started at one place and one interest: we would hang out at Starbucks after church to talk and discuss our taste in "fine women". It wasn't anything creepy but we were simply observing the beauty that our small city had to offer similar to enjoying a fine wine or the mountains. "She's has nice long blonde hair" or "Her cheeks really bring out her eyes when she smiles." Things like that. Soon after that, it went on movies and hot tubs with mutual friends, but Cameron is one of the few people that I could tell all of my business at the drop of a dime and vice-versa. We would often grab a coffee or a cigar once in a while to contemplate the wonders of the world - God, girls, parents, college, etc.

He lives in California, but we have a good thing going on so I do EVERYTHING that I can to hang out with him when I get the chance. I'm the type of guy who can make friends anywhere I go, but its friendships like that that are like a diamond in the rough - once you discover it, you never let it go.


8+ hours and woke up to a peaceful beautiful wife... no worries, no hurries. I love Sundays!

No WOD... Sundays are about filling myself with some Jesus (meditation)! Hallelujah! Sunday is my favorite "rest day" so I can catch my breath after last week, and get ready for the next week. "Be still, and know that I am God" - Psalm 46:10-

Really explore the space! This stretch is to focus on all of muscles and tendons that hold that femur in your hip capsule. You don't realize how sore your hips are until you try this. Just drop on all fours, focus on pivoting on one knee at a time, and let your body-weight sag so its hanging off that hip. aaaaaah!

Food/Supplement Log
- 2 eggs
- 16 oz coffee
- enzymes, fish oil, arthogenx, multi, vitamin d

LUNCH (huge meal!)
- Tuna Salad
- Easy Ceviche (sauteed shrimp, marinera, spices)
- enzymes, fish oil

- Pork Pot Roast
- enzymes, fish oil

- 2 chicken sausages, handful of almonds
- enzymes, fish oil, arthrogenx, cal-mag

Saturday, January 8, 2011



I'll be honest. I worked on my resume, but I didn't finish it nor gave it sufficient attention. I love the places that I'm at right with Barlean's and Jogo, so this seems unnecessary for the time being. There are also a couple of things that are still in progress.; I'm in more of a "build my resume" stage. For example, I'm currently going back to school to FINALLY wrap up my Transfer Degree, then I plan to apply for Western's Kinesiology program. There are a couple smaller things here and there but that's the "broad stroke of the paintbrush". I'll wrap this up this week... but you won't get to see it... unless you make me a HUGE offer. ;)


6 hours. I got up early (VERY early for a Saturday) to drive down to Seattle to do a Hydrostatic Body Fat Test. I usually wouldn't do this, but I'm very committed to getting precise numbers for before and after this whole healing experiment. Results below.

Jogo Bros! - the dudes at the gym got together for a little Mad-Date of Bromance! HOOAH!
WOD 1: 1 Rep Max (1RM) Bench Press - 225#
WOD 2: Max Rep Test @ 70% - 185# x 9

If you do the math, 70% of 225 isn't 185. I got over-zealous because this was finally I workout I could fully participate in. Plus we were grunting and hitting each other, so I got fired up! jk.

"Bully Stretch" - CHECK!
The mobility exercises from yesterday and today are a perfect combination for today's WOD. Feels good!

Food/Supplement Log
- 3 eggs
- 16 oz coffee w/ HWC
- Multi, enzyme, fish oil, vitamin D, 8 oz water

- Andouille and Crawfish Scramble (minus potatoes) from Bayou On Bay.
- Side of Sweet Potato Fries to share
If you haven't been to Bayou On Bay for Brunch or at all for that matter, do yourself a favor and DO IT!
- arthrogenx, enzyme, fish oil, 8 oz water

- Paleo Turkey stuffing
- a few orange slices
- enzymes, fish oil

- Paleo Turkey stuffing
- a few orange slices
- enzymes, fish oil, 20 oz water

- leftover duck
- pistachios
- cal-mag, arthrogenx, 16 oz water


Results from the Body Fat Test:
Weight Lean Body Mass Fat Mass Body Fat
205 165.5 39.5 19.2%

If we assume the weight that I've lost since Monday (4 lbs) is fat, the math would bring the following estimate I started at Day 1:
Weight Lean Body Mass Fat Mass Body Fat
209 165.5 43 20.6%

I could sulk in this and whatever, but I see myself as a work in progress. My goal is to look good for my pics with my first child (and the children thereafter). If there are numbers to put on it, I want to be at 10% by the end of March. Here's what that could look like:

Weight Lean Body Mass Fat Mass Body Fat
195 176 (10# gained) 20 (-23#) 9.74%


Weight Lean Body Mass Fat Mass Body Fat
189 171 (6# gained) 19 (-24#) 9.52%

Without a doubt, I'm going to reach that goal. Flawless nutrition and CrossFit has done this thousands (if not millions) of times. It may end up even better than I thought, but what is REALLY important to me is to be healed up and working out and competing with my friends again!

Friday, January 7, 2011



"The healthiest of all human emotions is gratitude." -Zig Ziglar-

Here is a quick list of things I'm grateful for:
1) My beautiful wife that wears her baby-belly so well.
2) A healthy baby that I already love more than life itself.
3) A warm breakfast and hot coffee made by that same beautiful wife.
4) A great job that helps me offer the best product to the best people I've ever worked with.
5) A great parents that showed me how to work hard to earn what you have and be proud of that.
6) Great in-laws that love to see us as often as possible and make it really easy to visit them.
7) Great friends who have my back and put the needs of others before themselves.
8) The Northwest which gives you no excuse to stay indoors.
9) Sports. 'nuff said.
10) My God who has shown me how to forgive and no one is too low to reach out and walk WITH you on the path.

One of my favorite people and quick videos on attitude is from Zig Ziglar. I highly encourage you to read the blog from AofM.com, watch the video and write your own list RIGHT NOW!

7.75 hours

Timed 800m - 2:50!
then 1 min of work : 2 mins of rest of the following -
Wall Ball (WB) - 25 reps @ 10# (20# rx for men)
Kettlebell Swing (KBS) - switched for Push Press (PP) with 2 x 16kg kettbells - 26 reps
Burpees - 21
Double-Unders (DU) - 78 jumps
Box Jumps - switched for ste-up & step-down @ 20" box - 27 reps

Notes: I shouldn't have done WB. My hip barked at me the whole time because you come down aggressively and drive up aggressively. That's the temptation of getting as many reps in 1 min... I need to squeeze in all the reps I can! My take away - next time WB can be a simple squat, maybe weighted with the weight of the WB.

This one doesn't quite get me the same way the others do. I've been doing this via partner stretch for years... which is good, because it's ONE area where I'm actually flexible!

Food/Supplement Log
- 3 eggs
- 2 sausages
- 16 oz coffee w/ HWC
- arthrogenx, fish oil, multi, 8 oz water

- Chicken Satay. I have a problem. I know.
- fish oil, 20 oz water w/ nuun tab

- Chicken caesar salad
- fish oil

- 3/4 cup mashed sweet potato
- leftover duck
- LYPO-GOLD! to make my fish oil go further,

- Steak Stir-fry salad from Paleo Solution recipe (delicious!)
- 1/2 apple
- 1 oz walnuts
- no supplements! whoa... it was minutes after my snack ;)

- probably some more duck and carrots. I know, it's a rough life.
- lypo-gold, fish oil, arthrogenx, vitamin d, cal-mag

Thursday, January 6, 2011



I'm a big fan of testosterone. I'm not a fan of men that would lose a fight with their girlfriends/wives... I often sit in the mall and say "She could beat him up". Its a game I can play for hours! seriously. If you see me at the mall, I AM judging you. Okay, back on track. I'm a fan of a healthy dose of testosterone. It's invigorating, it moves me forward to my goals, it makes me strong, it makes me have chest-hair like Wolverine!

Things I'm committing to from AofM's mentions are:
1) 8 hours of sleep
5) Resistance Training... in my case, trying to get that ability back. my goal is 3+ times per week since I have school and birthing classes now.
8) Eating more cruciferous vegetables.

The rest of that list I do pretty well, but I need to hone in on these. #9... I'll just leave that one alone ;)


6.5 hours (like I said, hone in!)

I had class tonight so I didn't workout. But we did a lab on testing recovery heart rates in coffee drinkers. Haha! Basically we took a starting heart rate, did 50 jumping jacks, took an immediate heart rate, then again a minute later, another minute later, and another minute later. It was really sloppy the first time we did it, so we did it again for a total of 100 jumping jacks. Come to find out it is said that doing 100 jumping jacks a day can prevent osteoporosis! There you go! I fought osteoporosis in class... what did you do at 730pm? Seriously, I'll be glad for an afternoon off, and hit a workout tomorrow.

PSOAS-STRETCH - CHECK! This is another great one for people who sit. ever.

Food/Supplement Log
- 3 eggs sunny-side up
- 3 short strips of bacon
- 16 oz coffee
- fish oil, multi-vitamin, vitamin d, arthrogenx, 8 oz water

- leftover grilled salmon and spinach
- 20 oz water, nuun tabs, fish oil, olive leaf complex

SNACK (a friend from work brought my order in as I was finishing my lunch!)
- chicken satay (coconut milk and spices, skewered and grilled. trust me.)
- fish oil
- another 20 oz water to follow

- plateful Paleo turkey stuffing/casserole (sauteed onions, peppers, celery, apple, green beans, spices, 2 eggs, chicken broth, shredded turkey)
- 1/2 orange
- fistful of almonds
- fish oil, arthrogenx, cal-mag, 20 oz water

- cal-mag, fish oil, and probably more of that stuffing!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Whether they know it or not, I have mentors all around me all the time and I keep my eye out for their positive influence.

I keep my eye out everywhere I go. I forgot how the saying goes but Zig Ziglar, a great author on salesmanship, believes that "If you get the man right, you get the salesman right." Translation: When you care for yourself, you care for your working-self... set things up so your success at home sets you up to be successful at work and vice versa. Anyway, his quote that I was eluding to went something like "When something is going right, take notes." Wherever you go, be a student. Take notes on what someone is doing right (and if you know the person, give them the praise they are due); when something isn't quite right, take notes on how you could do it better. I love everywhere (mostly to tell my wife that if our kids act that way, they're gunna get their @$$ beat... you know what I'm talking about).

I look to my friends who have children, I look to my friends who are someone's children, I look to my pastors on how they love a church and FOUR children, and of course I look to my parents. In a time and age where its the norm to move out of the city/state/country of your parents, I want my children to know their family. I never met my mom's parents in the Philippines. I never met my dad's mom (she passed away when my dad was young). I barely remember meeting his biological dad (who is just like him). We visit his step-dad every few years when we're in California. I want my children to know their parents and grandparents well, and I want my children that we all love them very much. I look forward to my parents (both sides) to mentor my wife and I, and my children as well. THIS is the most important mentorship to me - family.

I read a lot of books on positive attitude and true salesmanship (not selling to sell and make a buck, but to offer someone a product/service that is valuable to THEM and makes THEM better). Zig Ziglar and Jeffrey Gitomer are two of my favorites so far. In terms of people I know, I've never asked them directly to be my mentors (and I should) but my mentors are my boss and my closest co-worker and great friend, Jeff.

My boss is very ambitious and sets the bar high when it comes to serving the customer. Imagine you called Comcast and got a live voice within 15-30 seconds. Our goal is to give the customer a live voice within 30 seconds no less than 90% of the time... and we're good at it! He also teaches us to ask questions to that the customer and I can really discover the heart of every issue. We give him a lot of crap for his new-age/hippie approach to life but his authenticity and enthusiasm is one in a million. Don't tell him that though.

Jeff and I go back-and-forth on mentoring each other (I got him into CrossFit, and my knowledge of CrossFit and nutrition helped me get land the job with his help). The kid is just a little older than me but has the work ethic that makes Puritans blush... that is when he works. haha! Great guy, knows his stuff, isn't pushy, and speak in terms of helping YOU out. The one thing that I wish I could imitate better is his ability to set goals and sprint after them early i.e. Reach out to 5 new contacts before noon. He doesn't mess around and is always keeping an eye out for people that he can offer some help to. He thinks about helping others so much that it can be a fault; when you put others first too much, you neglect yourself. just sayin', Jeff!

If you can't tell already, my spirit is important to me. In fact, its the only thing I'll take with me when its all said and done. My wife and I have been going to a new church for us for a few months and it feels like home or like family. The pastors are great because they genuinely want to be a part of your lives (that is not to say that other pastors aren't). I dont know what it is about meeting up with another dude over some grub, but he invited me out to grab some Thai food with no agenda on his part - just meeting up and getting to know each other. They offer any advice and challenge us to be better people, because that is how God relates to them and they convey it so well to us. I'm very grateful for a small church of the warmest people you'll ever meet. I look forward to being mentored and offering any mentoring that could be of service.

Last but not least, I have a couple of buddies who influence me to be a better man. My buddy, Cameron, used to intern with me at our old church in Oak Harbor. We designated a Sunday a month where we would wear our ties to church and look slick (compared to our usual jeans and t-shirt with fewest holes). I still go to his grandpa's house to see how many animal heads he has on the walls and how many guns are in his collection. I think I smoked my first cigar with Cameron. I look forward to picking up some hunting and fishing when he gets his @$$ back up to the NW!

My other buddy, Wayne, is a great guy to help me get out for some adventure. I used to climb everything, camp anywhere, fish for anything, you name it. It's a lost art when you get on your own, so I'm glad that I have someone like Wayne around (even if he bites off more than he can chew... I'll probably tell the story about our hike to summit the north Twin Sister!).

At the gym, all of our coaches are great springs of knowledge when it comes to giving your all in a workout and moving your self or your weights efficiently. I big reason I'm doing this blog is to keep them involved and to track the advice they have tossed my way. To them, its not about looking good, but how what we do in the gym impacts our lives outside of the gym. Are you hiking more? Are you more competitive? Are you looking for a top-notch quality in all you do? In my case, are you having a day that is pain-free? My favorite piece of mentorship from everyone at the gym has been "When are you going to recovered? Because we'd love to have you up and running again so you can do this WITH us." Camaraderie and teamwork for a common goal of bettering one's self. It makes the world go 'round.


9 glorious hours!
My work schedule has an alternating Wednesday and Friday off. So I have today off, then next Friday, the following Wednesday, and so on. It helps us to clear our heads and be ready for our customers. I really like it because I'll either have a mid-week break or a 3-day weekend. not bad.

No workout today. I thought I was going to help my parents move into their brand new house so I was going to treat it as an active rest day. We ended up just looking at the house and envisioning what would go where, what they would need to buy, and, my favorite part, where the grandchildren get to stay the night at. Needless to say, I'm going to squeeze in a quick workout tomorrow and 100% of my stretching.

CALF-STRETCH - CHECK... I used a "2 by 4" about a foot long angled in a corner to change it up a little bit. SO much better!

Food/Supplement Log
- 3 scrambled eggs
- Mango Peach salsa
- 16 oz coffee w/ HWC
- Cod liver oil, multi-vitamin

SNACK (I had a doctor appointment at 130... didn't eat until about 3pm)
- full bag of jerky. whoa.

LUNCH (minutes later)
- Caesar salad from Haggen. tossed out the cheese because I think it stinks. lemon, had the dressing but didn't use it.
- fish oil, Cal-Mag, ArthroGenx (rx'd - glucosamine/MSM/natural anti-inflammatories)

At my parent house, and they cooked up some Digiorno pizza and bread sticks... one of my many favorites. but I resistant the grain/gluten with something slightly better - cold friend chicken they had for lunch or dinner before. hey! beggars can't be choosers. I had a good three pieces, limited myself on the crispy skin. so...
- 3 pieces of chicken
- 1/2 mango
- fistful of almonds

- fish oil, cal-mag... maybe a little meat or something to put it down. doesn't that sound like a delectable final course?

Notes on the day: Today was my day off, but I still had a lot of running around to do. On anyone's standards this is a monumental week of progress, but I know I can do better yet! New Year, new goals, new schedule and new baby... yeah I pull together quite nicely! Jenene and I plan on doing a 6-week birthing/breast feeding/caring for the newborn class soon. Man, have I got some stuff on my plate, but I'm up for the challenge. I'll be ragged, but I'm up for the challenge.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Last night, I had a dream that I eat a TON of ice cream and I was seriously like the last scene from Dodgeball where Ben Stiller is singing "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard"! Weird. It was a weird mood to get up in... it's that mind-set that "wow. you've given up already?" Since, my waking moment had been quite the otherwise.

A little less than 8 hours... a little more if you include the snooze button.

I had all of my gym clothes with me in the bag. On my way home from work and toward the gym, I decided it would be too much of a time-crunch.
330 - leave work
400 - start "red-shirt" warmup
430-530 - CrossFit class
530-600 - Stretch "my business"... yeah, my lifetime lack of stretching leads to a lot of catch-up
... - drive home, shower, eat, and get ready
630 - At the college

I figured that if anything could give it would be my stretching a.k.a. recovery. If I'm doing ALL of this (everything detailed in this blog) but I skip on my recovery, I would be really missing the point. I'll just do a makeup workout tomorrow (which would've been a Rest Day for me).

COUCH-STRETCH - check... I highly recommend this stretch for anyone who sits. ever.

Food/Supplement Log
- 2 poached eggs
- 1 oz salmon leftovers
- handful of blueberries
- handful of macadamias
- 16 oz coffee w/ HWC
- Multi-vitamin, Vitamin D, 1 tbsp Fish Oil, 1/2 Tbsp olive leaf complex
- 8 oz water to wash it all down

- 3 lamb burger-in-a-bowl (it's just without the bun. lettuce, tomato, onion, condiments)
- 4 oz blueberries
- 1/3 cup macadamias (when I get in a macadamia mood, watch out!)
- sipped on 30 oz water
- 1 tbsp fish oil, olive leaf complex, 1 Nuun tab

Robb Wolf wanted us to have a little Rotisserie Chicken. My magnificent wife one-upped him!
- Crock-Pot duck! I love duck. It might be my Asian roots.
- Broccoli Chips
- little bit of blueberries and macadamia nuts (I know, I'm a addicted!)
- you guessed it - 1 tbsp fish oil

- leftover Duck... not many of you get to do that during a college class
- 1/2 cup carrots
- 1/4 almonds
- little bit of orange slices to keep me awake
- 7 Ultra-EPA/DHA tabs = 1 tbsp fish oil... it would be weird to guzzle that in the class.
- Cal-Mag to put me to help me relax when I got home

Notes on the day: If you want to cut fat faster, Robb recommends 1 serving of fruit per day tops, and 1-2 oz of nuts tops. Needs some work, but not too shabby!

I grew up around my dad shining his shoes for work all the time (20 years in the Navy), my older sister was in ROTC, Joe was in ROTC and is now in the Navy, I used to work for a 4-diamond resort... so I've seen a shoe or two shined. I love shoes with a good polish. Nothing is more distracting than a nice suit and scuffed up shoes... unless it's white socks.

This was a treat to be honest. It's something about that extreme focus on detail that clears the mind. I had a rough day at work, meetings, phone calls, rushed to get around, then class in the evening. I remember at one point in the day where I was literally shaking in the knees from stress (and maybe my quads were tired from yesterday's WOD). Shining my shoes to a little Frank Sinatra just made it all seem well. Just thinking about times I wore these shoes and the happiness of those days. Barlean's had our most successful year yet, so we threw a ball and had a ball. Some friends got married in the summer and I danced the night away in these shoes; Jenene and I decided to let loose as a celebration of finding out she is pregnant. Christmas party with Barleans'; this party reminds us that we are truly playing a big part in the big picture of health and we are appreciated. At church, Jenene and I dressed up for Christmas candlelight service which is always a delight in itself. I looked at these slick shoes and notice that they are barely broken in. There is more dancing to be done, more good times to be had, and happiness to share. Better thoughts could not have come at a better time, and it's a great way to end a big day.

Stay classy, San Diego.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Starting Point
Weight: 209#
Body Fat: 20% estimated
Pain: On a 1-10, I'd give it a 3. It isn't painful, but the muscles and joints tell me something is wrong there.

ArtOfManliness.com breaks it down pretty well that Core Values are not Goals. Goals are circumstances that we want to come about; Core Values give us the push and direction to get there. It's definitely worth the time to try this out! In order of importance:
1) Wisdom - My favorite book of the Bible is Proverbs because I can always get something out of it. In Proverbs chapter 4, King Solomon writes "Wisdom is supreme (or "the principal thing"; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding." It's a great chapter on how wisdom (which he personifies to his son as a beautiful woman) must be worked hard to attain and never let go. I'm going to be a father in about 3 months. When the storms come and waves come crashing, I want to be like a rock that isn't moved due to circumstance because this is the ground I stand on.
2) Humor - If you know me, then you know that everything that leaves my mouth is said jokingly. I joke harsh, but that's how a son of a sailor and jock shows his love. I believe that when I see two people genuinely laughing, I see two minds connected at a level that is almost sacred and we often take it for granted. It's an art-form really: to take a concept and deliver it through words that literally tickle another person's soul. I love to do nothing more than share a meal and share laughter with friends new and old.
3) Adventure - I was always moving when I was a kid. I would climb trees, build forts, build snowmen, dig tunnels, throw rocks, go fishing and crabbing, and play sports until the sun went down. These are the times that I've felt the most fulfillment. I gotta move! I gotta breathe! I gotta play!
4) Integrity - When I say something, I mean to do it (except in punctuality). In Matthew 5:37, Jesus breaks it down simply to "Simply let your 'Yes' be 'yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond these comes from the evil one. I don't want to over-spiritualize this, but it sounds like Jesus had *ahem* strong feelings about people who said one thing but did another. I mean to under-promise and over-deliver.
5) Discipline - I think when people look at me they might see someone who is pretty disciplined, but I always think I can do better. (Then again, we are our own toughest critic.) I'm not sure where I got my love for discipline, but it may have been from my military father and catholic-school mother. I always want to learn to improve daily. I found an interested quote by Henry Moore that says, "I think in terms of the day's resolutions, not the year's". I believe that when you cease to change yourself for the better, you're stagnant. Ain't nobody like nothing stagnant.
5.5) God - If each of the previous 5 values were separate circles in a Venn Diagram, the "God" circle would include all of these. It's cheesy I know, but you can't really separate God from any of these.
Wisdom: "For the LORD gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding." - Proverbs 2:6-
Humor: "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." -Proverbs 17:22-
Adventure: "What is the world but God's creation? What is adventure but enjoyment of the Creation and discovering the fingerprint your Creator?" -Yours Truly-
Integrity - We've already seen that Jesus hates liars. ;) And God sees my heart when I offer anything short of the truth.
Discipline - "Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control" -Proverbs 25:28-


As for my health and fitness discipline, here's what Day 1 looked like. Nothing fascinating unless you could eat the food!

8 hours... mmm! Apparently, I drank a LOT of water before I went to bed.

Workout of the Day (WOD)
15 Overhead Squats (OHS) @ 95# (modified to 15# since I weighted squats HURT)
400m run
5 rounds as fast as possible
Result - 15:10

Mobility WOD (MWOD)
10 min squat hold - CHECK!

Food/Supplement Log
My meals will be pretty accurately what is laid out in Robb Wolf's book.

- 2 poached eggs
- 2 chicken sausages
- 1/2 apple
- 16 oz coffee w/ tbsp Heavy Whipping Cream (HWC)
- 8 oz water
- Multi-vitamin, Tbsp of cod liver oil, 1/2 tbsp olive leaf complex

Sipped on 28 oz water before lunch with some electrolytes

- smallish Chicken Fajita Salad (lettuce, diced tomatoes, grilled onions/green peppers, chicken and spices)... I found out that I dont like grilled onions very much. bleh. We'll tweak this recipe.
- Tbsp fish oil mmm!

- Large Banana
- 3 oz Chicken w/ mustard (really I grabbed anything to taste)
- 1/2 avocado
- Tbsp fish oil

40 oz more water

- Mashed Sweet Potatoes (less than a cup)
- Calcium-Magnesium (Cal-Mag) supplement in 8 oz water with a splash of apple juice. shaken not stirred.

- 5 oz roasted salmon and pecans
- Roasted Green Beans
- "Side Salad" which means carrot slices to my pregnant wife. no complaints!
- Tbsp fish oil... yeah, what meal is complete without it

- 2nd's on salmon 3 oz
- Handful of macadamias for some sort of sustenance
- Cal-Mag in 8 oz water to help me and my muscles relax
- Another Tbsp of fish oil (Why? Because I'm "All Banged Up" and have some serious inflammation)

Notes on the Day:
I only ate about 3/4 of what a CrossFitter my size should eat for healthy muscle maintenance and adequate energy. I think my lack of activity and recently having the flu played a major part in this.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Let the good times roll!

“You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must PLAN to win, PREPARE to win, and EXPECT to win." -Zig Ziglar-

I'll be honest, my current state of fitness has me in a funk. It takes a lot to put me in a funk (outside of driving home through traffic), but I have a lot of little things plus one big thing going on, and its all adding up to make me come to an absolute halt. The long and short of it is that I have a lot of bad business going on in my hip and back, my muscles are tight everywhere, and, with the help of many professionals, I'm sure I have an inflamed S.I. Joint. Picture every time you sit, pick something up or turn in bed, the pain puts a solid grimace on your face.

The inflammation is caused by many things (particularly my negligence) coming together to prohibit me from doing what I love to do... MOVE! The causes have been namely my poor nutrition, poor warmup before a WOD, and a lack of stretching. So with the New Year, my intention is to track my every waking moment when it comes to these areas for my benefit and the benefit (or at least humor) of whoever reads this. My hope is to have some accurate body fat percentages and blood work to help give this some hard facts.

However, I think there is much more in my life that needs some improvement i.e. character. I plan to start of each daily entry with something like Scripture, an encourage phrase, thoughts to ponder (which happen a lot with the coming baby), tips from a book that I'm reading. To start off I'm going to go through something taken from ArtOfManliness.com called "30 Days to a Better Man". I know that reading my daily meals of deli meat, fruit and avocados will have you on the edge of your seat, but you might take away a thing or two from picking my brain.