Monday, January 3, 2011


Starting Point
Weight: 209#
Body Fat: 20% estimated
Pain: On a 1-10, I'd give it a 3. It isn't painful, but the muscles and joints tell me something is wrong there.

AofM breaks it down pretty well that Core Values are not Goals. Goals are circumstances that we want to come about; Core Values give us the push and direction to get there. It's definitely worth the time to try this out! In order of importance:
1) Wisdom - My favorite book of the Bible is Proverbs because I can always get something out of it. In Proverbs chapter 4, King Solomon writes "Wisdom is supreme (or "the principal thing"; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding." It's a great chapter on how wisdom (which he personifies to his son as a beautiful woman) must be worked hard to attain and never let go. I'm going to be a father in about 3 months. When the storms come and waves come crashing, I want to be like a rock that isn't moved due to circumstance because this is the ground I stand on.
2) Humor - If you know me, then you know that everything that leaves my mouth is said jokingly. I joke harsh, but that's how a son of a sailor and jock shows his love. I believe that when I see two people genuinely laughing, I see two minds connected at a level that is almost sacred and we often take it for granted. It's an art-form really: to take a concept and deliver it through words that literally tickle another person's soul. I love to do nothing more than share a meal and share laughter with friends new and old.
3) Adventure - I was always moving when I was a kid. I would climb trees, build forts, build snowmen, dig tunnels, throw rocks, go fishing and crabbing, and play sports until the sun went down. These are the times that I've felt the most fulfillment. I gotta move! I gotta breathe! I gotta play!
4) Integrity - When I say something, I mean to do it (except in punctuality). In Matthew 5:37, Jesus breaks it down simply to "Simply let your 'Yes' be 'yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond these comes from the evil one. I don't want to over-spiritualize this, but it sounds like Jesus had *ahem* strong feelings about people who said one thing but did another. I mean to under-promise and over-deliver.
5) Discipline - I think when people look at me they might see someone who is pretty disciplined, but I always think I can do better. (Then again, we are our own toughest critic.) I'm not sure where I got my love for discipline, but it may have been from my military father and catholic-school mother. I always want to learn to improve daily. I found an interested quote by Henry Moore that says, "I think in terms of the day's resolutions, not the year's". I believe that when you cease to change yourself for the better, you're stagnant. Ain't nobody like nothing stagnant.
5.5) God - If each of the previous 5 values were separate circles in a Venn Diagram, the "God" circle would include all of these. It's cheesy I know, but you can't really separate God from any of these.
Wisdom: "For the LORD gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding." - Proverbs 2:6-
Humor: "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." -Proverbs 17:22-
Adventure: "What is the world but God's creation? What is adventure but enjoyment of the Creation and discovering the fingerprint your Creator?" -Yours Truly-
Integrity - We've already seen that Jesus hates liars. ;) And God sees my heart when I offer anything short of the truth.
Discipline - "Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control" -Proverbs 25:28-


As for my health and fitness discipline, here's what Day 1 looked like. Nothing fascinating unless you could eat the food!

8 hours... mmm! Apparently, I drank a LOT of water before I went to bed.

Workout of the Day (WOD)
15 Overhead Squats (OHS) @ 95# (modified to 15# since I weighted squats HURT)
400m run
5 rounds as fast as possible
Result - 15:10

Mobility WOD (MWOD)
10 min squat hold - CHECK!

Food/Supplement Log
My meals will be pretty accurately what is laid out in Robb Wolf's book.

- 2 poached eggs
- 2 chicken sausages
- 1/2 apple
- 16 oz coffee w/ tbsp Heavy Whipping Cream (HWC)
- 8 oz water
- Multi-vitamin, Tbsp of cod liver oil, 1/2 tbsp olive leaf complex

Sipped on 28 oz water before lunch with some electrolytes

- smallish Chicken Fajita Salad (lettuce, diced tomatoes, grilled onions/green peppers, chicken and spices)... I found out that I dont like grilled onions very much. bleh. We'll tweak this recipe.
- Tbsp fish oil mmm!

- Large Banana
- 3 oz Chicken w/ mustard (really I grabbed anything to taste)
- 1/2 avocado
- Tbsp fish oil

40 oz more water

- Mashed Sweet Potatoes (less than a cup)
- Calcium-Magnesium (Cal-Mag) supplement in 8 oz water with a splash of apple juice. shaken not stirred.

- 5 oz roasted salmon and pecans
- Roasted Green Beans
- "Side Salad" which means carrot slices to my pregnant wife. no complaints!
- Tbsp fish oil... yeah, what meal is complete without it

- 2nd's on salmon 3 oz
- Handful of macadamias for some sort of sustenance
- Cal-Mag in 8 oz water to help me and my muscles relax
- Another Tbsp of fish oil (Why? Because I'm "All Banged Up" and have some serious inflammation)

Notes on the Day:
I only ate about 3/4 of what a CrossFitter my size should eat for healthy muscle maintenance and adequate energy. I think my lack of activity and recently having the flu played a major part in this.

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