Friday, January 7, 2011



"The healthiest of all human emotions is gratitude." -Zig Ziglar-

Here is a quick list of things I'm grateful for:
1) My beautiful wife that wears her baby-belly so well.
2) A healthy baby that I already love more than life itself.
3) A warm breakfast and hot coffee made by that same beautiful wife.
4) A great job that helps me offer the best product to the best people I've ever worked with.
5) A great parents that showed me how to work hard to earn what you have and be proud of that.
6) Great in-laws that love to see us as often as possible and make it really easy to visit them.
7) Great friends who have my back and put the needs of others before themselves.
8) The Northwest which gives you no excuse to stay indoors.
9) Sports. 'nuff said.
10) My God who has shown me how to forgive and no one is too low to reach out and walk WITH you on the path.

One of my favorite people and quick videos on attitude is from Zig Ziglar. I highly encourage you to read the blog from, watch the video and write your own list RIGHT NOW!

7.75 hours

Timed 800m - 2:50!
then 1 min of work : 2 mins of rest of the following -
Wall Ball (WB) - 25 reps @ 10# (20# rx for men)
Kettlebell Swing (KBS) - switched for Push Press (PP) with 2 x 16kg kettbells - 26 reps
Burpees - 21
Double-Unders (DU) - 78 jumps
Box Jumps - switched for ste-up & step-down @ 20" box - 27 reps

Notes: I shouldn't have done WB. My hip barked at me the whole time because you come down aggressively and drive up aggressively. That's the temptation of getting as many reps in 1 min... I need to squeeze in all the reps I can! My take away - next time WB can be a simple squat, maybe weighted with the weight of the WB.

This one doesn't quite get me the same way the others do. I've been doing this via partner stretch for years... which is good, because it's ONE area where I'm actually flexible!

Food/Supplement Log
- 3 eggs
- 2 sausages
- 16 oz coffee w/ HWC
- arthrogenx, fish oil, multi, 8 oz water

- Chicken Satay. I have a problem. I know.
- fish oil, 20 oz water w/ nuun tab

- Chicken caesar salad
- fish oil

- 3/4 cup mashed sweet potato
- leftover duck
- LYPO-GOLD! to make my fish oil go further,

- Steak Stir-fry salad from Paleo Solution recipe (delicious!)
- 1/2 apple
- 1 oz walnuts
- no supplements! whoa... it was minutes after my snack ;)

- probably some more duck and carrots. I know, it's a rough life.
- lypo-gold, fish oil, arthrogenx, vitamin d, cal-mag

1 comment:

Elleah said...

I like your thankful list! :)