Monday, January 10, 2011


1 Week Progress Report:
I feel awesome! Virtually pain-free, I know I'm still healing up, but pain-free! Best part yet - I've gone from 209 lbs to 203.5 lbs in 7 days. whoa. Paleo is where it's at!

I literally look at foods that I would devour in an instant without a second glance. My secret: Fix your eyes on your commitment. I have goals, and I have temptations from those goals. I would've loved some of the cake at my buddy's going-away party, but what BENEFIT would that have been to me? Put the weight back on? Bring back the inflammation? Carb-crash? Screw it! I've got my eyes on my prize!

I remember back when I was in grade school and I had to write my first autobiography, I didn't have much to write about. I moved from CA to TN to WA, then I played a lot. That's probably all I wrote about in my autobiography. I told myself that when my children are born, I wanted to journal every moment I can about them so they know that they're not boring. I want to journal my emotions and thoughts about their first steps, first words, first heart-break, and which parent is their favorite (me, of course). I dont know why, I just had the urge to do it.

I'm very glad that Journaling is brought up. I started one when I found out that my wife had gotten pregnant. Man, I stayed up late writing that one. I wrote down my every thought, and there is a lot of unknown thoughts to having a kid when you still feel like a kid yourself. I wrote down my every thought, concern and worry, and finished with a prayer to God.

Its too bad that when we look at our life as a big picture, we may feel like we dont have much going on or accomplish much so it must not be worth journaling. But I think we would be surprised how much really goes on in our worlds when we journal. We have big moments of landing a client that you see as a celebrity. We have Resolutions. There have been times that I thought I would feel very alone in raising my kid (because I don't feel like I have built a support-system good enough for my child, but that's just my thoughts on it) but if I were to think about and journal all of my friends who are expecting or just want to be involved, I could surprise myself in that moment and especially in hindsight.

I'm a firm believer that paper doesn't forget. If you write your goals, they are most likely to happen. If you write your prayers, you are more likely to carry your part of the bargain as well as look for God working in the world around you as He starts to answer your prayers. Most importantly, when kids read your journals and your feelings of that significant event in that moment, there will be a connection and understanding that cannot be replicated. You go from saying "I was in your shoes once" to saying something "I was laid-off once too; did it feel anything like this? I'd love to show you what helped me pull through."

8 hours and some change

No pain at all during the warm-up! I was searching for things that could bother me too! NOTHING!

"Air Force"
This was one from the CrossFit Games qualifiers last year. Still modified the some really light weights, but still good times.

As Fast As Possible (AFAP):
20 Push Jerks (PJ)
20 Front Squats (FS)
It starts with 4 burpees, you knock out the list, but you stop on every minute to do 4 burpees. All of this should be done with a 95# barbell, but I scaled to 45# generally, and a 15# OHS.
Time - 8:55

Notes: SDHP wasn't a good idea, because of the quick force demanded from the hip to get the momentum going. It was too much, so I left out the High-Pull itself. aaaaah, much better! You really want to get this one done fast so you don't have to do extra burpees. The longer you take, the more unnecessary burpees you do over time.

3D version of the typical Hamstring Stretch
This stretch maybe pure evil especially to my left outer hamstring... or my hamstring is evil. yeah that's probably it.

Food/Supplement Log
- 3 eggs over-easy
- 2 chicken sausage
- apple slices
- 16 oz coffee w/ HWC
- the usual enzymes, fish oil, multi, vitamin d, 8 oz water

- leftover pork loin
- 1/3 avocado
- enzymes, fish oil, arthrogenx, 20 oz water with nuun

- Chicken caesar salad
- enzymes, fish oil
- 20 oz water

- man we had a lot of pork loin
- 1/3 cup mashed sweet potato
- enzymes, fish oil, cal-mag, 20 oz water with nuun

- My wife's concoction she calls Cajun Chicken and cauliflower. last minute but not bad.
- enzymes, fish oil

- leftover Cajun Chicken and cauliflower
- Cal-mag, arthogenx

1 comment:

Crystal said...

The palest ink is better than the best memory.
~Chinese Proverb