Monday, January 10, 2011


This is a great post of friendships (between men) that are so deep that if one were to die, the other would feel as though he couldn't go on nor pursue another friend to protect himself from that kind of hurt again. That's wild stuff! Yet it is so needed especially in this day and age since we are so busy. If we dont make deep friendships a priority, then we are digging our own graves. We assume so much responsibility for ourselves, why not have someone with another point-of-view similar to your own there to help see you through it?

I'm kind of going to cop-out on this one a little. On New Years eve/day, I hung out with a great friend of mine, Cameron. He and I interned at my church back home for about two years, and we were inseparable (we were both single! haha!). If you look at the two of us, you wouldn't put us together as friends I think. He's a scrappy Irish-American young gentleman usually in a collared shirt or sweater weighing about 130 lbs (if I'm generous). I'm weighing about 200 lbs, jeans and a t-shirt, when I dress-up I take my hat off.

Our common ground started at one place and one interest: we would hang out at Starbucks after church to talk and discuss our taste in "fine women". It wasn't anything creepy but we were simply observing the beauty that our small city had to offer similar to enjoying a fine wine or the mountains. "She's has nice long blonde hair" or "Her cheeks really bring out her eyes when she smiles." Things like that. Soon after that, it went on movies and hot tubs with mutual friends, but Cameron is one of the few people that I could tell all of my business at the drop of a dime and vice-versa. We would often grab a coffee or a cigar once in a while to contemplate the wonders of the world - God, girls, parents, college, etc.

He lives in California, but we have a good thing going on so I do EVERYTHING that I can to hang out with him when I get the chance. I'm the type of guy who can make friends anywhere I go, but its friendships like that that are like a diamond in the rough - once you discover it, you never let it go.


8+ hours and woke up to a peaceful beautiful wife... no worries, no hurries. I love Sundays!

No WOD... Sundays are about filling myself with some Jesus (meditation)! Hallelujah! Sunday is my favorite "rest day" so I can catch my breath after last week, and get ready for the next week. "Be still, and know that I am God" - Psalm 46:10-

Really explore the space! This stretch is to focus on all of muscles and tendons that hold that femur in your hip capsule. You don't realize how sore your hips are until you try this. Just drop on all fours, focus on pivoting on one knee at a time, and let your body-weight sag so its hanging off that hip. aaaaaah!

Food/Supplement Log
- 2 eggs
- 16 oz coffee
- enzymes, fish oil, arthogenx, multi, vitamin d

LUNCH (huge meal!)
- Tuna Salad
- Easy Ceviche (sauteed shrimp, marinera, spices)
- enzymes, fish oil

- Pork Pot Roast
- enzymes, fish oil

- 2 chicken sausages, handful of almonds
- enzymes, fish oil, arthrogenx, cal-mag

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