Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 9

This is really convenient because I'm going to be out-of-town this weekend, and my poor wife will have no one to tell her bad jokes all weekend! So we treated today (Wednesday. I know I'm a day behind) as our date night of the week. We can't go wrong with that. We went to Scotty Brown's but I'll post what I ate tomorrow for accuracy ;)

It was great. I've been getting passionate about work and she loves to see that "Art" come out. She's so supportive. I told her that I know I work a lot at home (checking e-mails, keeping my eye out for potential opportunities, knowing my competition) and I dont want that to invade our home. To my surprise, she said that she doesn't feel neglected at all! She actually feels very loved. I guess thats because I hug and kiss her and play with the baby as often as I can! Yeah, it makes me sick too.

The change in scenery and change to routine really opened us up. I feel like we haven't connective on that level since we were dating. It was a cool night of telling her my passions, my trials, my successes and my dreams. My favorite saying for a business man is from Zig Ziglar (and forgive me if I'm being repetitive) when he says, "Get the man right, get the salesman right." If you have everything squared away at home and they support you because you want what's best for everyone involved, you'll flourish to your potential. My wife is exactly that, and I'm glad she understand that I want to do my best with her and the family in the forefront.

I feel like it was 6-7 hours... not very rested. I think I was a little sore from yesterday's workout. Basically when I bridge-up and push off my left leg to turn onto my right side, it can wake me up because of a quick sharp pain. Its only a fraction of the intensity that I have experienced, but still pain nonetheless. The other thing about a lack of sleep is that my hamstrings are tight all day. I feel like they never wake up.

No workout today. Class... yeeeesh.

This is another one of my favorites. If you have trouble putting things on the refrigerator, for example, because the underside of your shoulder is tight, then you NEED this. You should be able to get a full 180 degrees at the shoulder without any tightness.

Food/Supplement Log
- 3 eggs
- 2 small strips of bacon
- 16 oz coffee black
- few apple slices
- enzymes, fish oil, multi, vitamin d, 8 oz water

- Taco Salad w/ extra guacamole... I was in Heaven.
- enzymes, fish oil, arthrogenx, 20 oz water

- "Spaghetti" - Spaghetti squash, ground beef (LOTS), and tomato sauce
- Walnuts in class
- enzymes, fish oil, 20 oz water, Cal-Mag when I got home, tried some melatonin to put me down a liiiiittle quicker.

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